

This page describes the guidelines that define the foundation for a thriving space where we can all engage and reach our tech potential.

Welcome to your tech haven! We are passionate about building a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to learn, share, and collaborate. These guidelines define the foundation for a thriving space where we can all engage and reach our tech potential.

Here is what you can expect:

· Clear and concise guidelines: Everyone is expected to respect each other, be empowered to learn, share and collaborate.

· We champion diversity of thought and experience, fostering a welcoming environment for everyone.

· Kindly ask questions, share feedback, and engage in constructive discussions to shape our community together.

· We strive to handle issues effectively and transparently, ensuring everyone feels heard and supported.

· Let’s help each other learn, grow, and achieve our tech goals through active participation and knowledge sharing.

Your contributions are what make this community flourish. By understanding and upholding these guidelines, you play a vital role in creating a space where everyone can thrive. Let’s explore the world of tech together, championing innovation and positive interactions along the way.